Ulubione cytaty

(w przygotowaniu...)

I hate writing, but love having written.
(Dorothy Parker)

Ja dysponuję fachowcami, którzy mają w małym palcu: strukturę, fakturę, powierzchnię, kolor, materię… No, ale jeśli państwo postanowili to sami sfuszerować…
(Iwo Czarnecki)

I have always preferred making plans to executing them... I tend towards the roles of the planner and programmer, and then become an audience to the results.
(Brian Eno)

Żadnych… Własnych pomysłów. To po trzecie.
(Henryk Kwinto)

No visual or literary culture can match the innate political strength of the pop single. It's a revolutionary text. A violent sensual sexual thing. A most glorious popular madness. Literature can't touch it".
(Green Gartside, 1982)

A snowfall can be beautiful in its first hour, but it inevitably becomes gray slush.
(Brent DiCrescenzo, 1999)

Pierwsza symfonia… Conductor… Bileciki do kontroli…
(Gerard Nowak)

I'm not ideological. Lyrically, I don't have any ideology that I want to really be promoting, other than one of confusion. You know, which doesn't necessarily count. (…) I don't think we ever wanted to be a band that's got some clear, simple agenda. We've got some kind of weird agenda, but we don't even know what it is, necessarily. It's more of a feel or a flavor than a specific little manifesto. (…) We don't want to be Rage Against the Machine, or any of those... political cheesy bands. Let the listener deal with that. Lyrically, it should resonate, not point at something.
(Tim Harrington z Les Savy Fav, 2000)

To może być hymn na miarę "Smells Like Teen Spirit".
(Marek Niedźwiecki o "Youth of the Nation" P.O.D., 2001)

You know that when we met there were fireworks in the sky
Sparkling like dragonflies
(Gruff Rhys, 2001)

I like singing, but not as poetry on top of the music. I never pay attention to lyrics. (…) Sometimes I think about certain lines in a song that really hit me, but then I realize that it's only because of the underlying music. If the music underneath is good then you could put anything on top of it and it would sound interesting. It's not that I don't like poetry and literature, it's just that I don't necessarily connect it with music. I really like the human voice as being part of music, but I think the experience of music is something separate from words. It's like Brian Eno used to say-- it's not a matter of what you sing, you just have to make it sound like you have something to say.
(Jonas Munk, 2002)

i love kid a. and i hate everything.
(Scott Seward, 2004)

I don't think I ever write songs involving politics, because they get dated way too quick. Any view you have can usually be made into something more general, and that can stand throughout time. I'm not going to write the "Bush is a fucking lying sack of shit" song—I don't think I need to. I think everyone knows.
(Isaac Brock, 2004)

I wanna partake in bake sales for the classroom
I wanna hear the sweet tune
Of Sally's little vroom-vroom
As she zooms around my broom
As I exhume the gloom
Of my shallow life
(Nellie McKay, 2004 ❤️ )

When you read a review, you don't really learn anything. You learn shit all about the actual music, it's just all about the reviewer, isn't it?.
(Sean Booth, 2005)

It seems like the standard narrative is that when listeners are younger they want it hard and tough because they are full of hormones and as they get older and have a wife and kids and a job they just want novocaine.
(Drew Daniel, 2005)

What I hear in Arcade Fire is an agglomeration of mannerisms, cliches and devices. I find it solidly unattractive, texturally nasty, a bit harmonically and melodically dull, bombastic and melodramatic, and the rhythms are pedestrian. It’s monotonous in its textures and in the old-fashioned, nasty, clunky 80s rhythms and eighth-note basslines. It isn’t, as people are suggesting, richly rewarding and inventive. The melodies stick too closely to the chord changes. Win Butler’s voice uses certain stylistic devices – it goes wobbly and shouty, then whispery – and I guess people like wobbly and shouty going to whispery, they think it signifies real feeling. It’s some people’s idea of unmediated emotion. (…) It’s rather flat and unlovely. The album and the response to it represent a bunch of beliefs about expression and truth that I don’t share. The battle against unreconstructed rock music continues.
(Green Gartside, 2007)

The reason why I criticized [Pitchfork] was because I read it everyday and obsessed over it and wanted to write for it and was jealous.
(Marc Hogan, 2011)

Guys, the grammys are still pathetic. This just means you were wrong about Arcade Fire being good.
(Brent DiCrescenzo, 2011)

Pop is, I reiterate, a way of listening, the only way of listening I ever learned or cared for. It means giving everything a chance, but letting nothing off the hook.
(Neil Kulkarni, 2011)

I feel like I'm too myself for the rest of the world.
(Dominique Leone, 2015)

Thank you for our good times, Brian. They will never rot.
(David Bowie, 2016)

I've been on the Internet since it went public and I can tell you from experience, nothing that happens here matters unless you let it. It's all forgotten or never even acknowledged IRL. You think it's real because your friends reflect the same terrorized insecurity back at you, yet IRL, when you get a job? None of this matters. 
(Chris Ott aka Shallow Rewards, 2016)

No, I don't consider myself a Christian. I adore gospel music – I've always thought it comes from a place of truth, and I feel like so much music isn't truthful, it's copying somebody else's ideas or style in order to sell something. When I was still in Rugby I discovered gospel and, I guess like rock and roll, I love the language. Lord help me sounds so much more than just help me.
(Jason Pierce, 2021)

If you believe that an interest in the past, or a particular period of the past, is automatically "nostalgia," you are intellectually bankrupt. I'll say it again: You are intellectually bankrupt! One more time: YOU ARE INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT.
(Matthew Perpetua, 2019)

Puede ser hoy, abu.
(Leo Messi, 2022)

Poptimism, if it meant anything, was take chart pop seriously. It didn't mean love all chart-pop!
(Alfred Soto, 2023)

Jest mi bardzo przykro z tego powodu, ale chuj mnie to interesuje.
(autor nieznany, 2023)

Coś tam, coś tam, coś tam, coś tam, coś tam
Cokolwiek nawinę, to wyjdzie dobra zwrotka.
(Dizkret, 2024)